Monthly Schedule

  1. Prune dead wood from trees and shrubs (except maples, birches and walnuts) 
  2. Conduct winter watering if needed
  1. Prune dead wood from trees and shrubs (except maples, birches and walnuts)
  2. Conduct winter watering if needed
  1. Apply pesticide for borers if you have borer problem
  2. Conduct winter watering if needed
  1. Prune plant material and re-mulch
  2. Begin lawn mowing operations
  3. Apply crabgrass preventative and lawn pre-emergents
  4. Apply post-emergent herbicide for existing weeds
  5. Fertilizer lawn
  6. Remove tree wrap if installed
  7. Activate sprinkler systems-usually between April 15th and May 1st or after the last frost
  1. Memorial Day – Pool house open for all residents’ use.
  2. Install annuals
  3.  Fertilize trees, shrubs, and perennials.
  4.  Spray apples, crabs, pears, mountain ash and pyracantha to prevent fire blight
  5. Inspect for any winter kill or areas requiring remediaton
  6.  Re-mulch if needed
  7.  Inspect sprinkler system operation/adjust timing as needed
  1.  Fertilize lawn
  2. Check all trees and shrubs for insect pests
  3. Continue mowing operations
  4. Inspect sprinkler system operation/adjust timing as needed
  1. Check for lawn fungi
  2. Fertilize lawn
  3. Prune shrubs after flowering
  4. Continue mowing
  5. Head back annuals
  6. Inspect sprinkler system operations/adjust timing as needed
  1.  Continue mowing operations
  2.  Head back annuals
  3. Inspect sprinkler systems/adjust timing as needed
  1. Labor Day – Pool house closed for that year and the team start to winterize the poll.  
  2. Fertilize lawn
  3. Continue mowing operations
  4.  Head back to annuals
  5. sprinkler system/adjust fining
  1. Clean off the tops of dried perennials
  2. Plant fall bulbs
  3. Adjust staƤng of new trees if installed
  4. Head back annuals
  5. Winterize Irrigation System-usually Between Oct 1st and Oct 19 or prior to the first frost.
  1.  Mulch Roses and tender perennials
  2. Wrap trees
  3. Apply Pre-emergent to lawns and beds 4) Remove annuals
  1. Conduct winter watering if needed