POA Rules

Notification to lot owner will be by first-class mail and email for first breach. Notification for subsequent breachs of the same or similar infraction will be by email.

First Breach
Second Breach
(of similar infraction)
Additional Breaches
Failing to Lawn and Landscaping Readiness Uncleared materials, toys, hoses and performing self watering of lawn other than the planned watering schedule that makes maintenance team skip / redo their routines beyond the planned schedule $20 after 10-day notice unless corrected plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $30 immediate upon notification. $40 immediate upon notification.
Unauthorized Parking Street, sidewalk or vacant lot parking. Boat, ATV, trailer, camper, unlicensed or inoperable vehicle, etc. $25 after 10-day notice unless corrected; $20/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $50 immediate upon notification. $20/day starting on day 2 until corrected. $75 immediate upon notification. $20/day starting on day 2 until corrected.
Exterior Lightings Not removing exterior lightings after the seasons like Halloween, Diwali, Christmas, etc… $20 after 10-day notice unless corrected plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $30 immediate upon notification. $40 immediate upon notification.
Unapproved Large Structure in Back or Side of House Shed, storage building, gazebo, etc. $75 after 10-day notice unless corrected plus $15/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $125 after 10-day notice unless corrected, plus $15/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $150 immediate upon notification plus $15/day starting on day 2 until corrected.
Unmaintained Structure Broken or warped fence not in working order; faded fence; missing or warped roof shingles; missing or warped or discolored siding; faded or worn front door; rusting, leaning, or crooked play apparatus; tattered, faded, ripped or unattached awning/cloth/netting; broken or cracked window or light, etc. $20 after 10-day notice unless corrected, plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $30 after 10-day notice unless corrected, plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $40 after 10-day notice unless corrected, plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected.
Unsightly Front Yard/Drive Accumulated newspapers, toys, trash, bottles,etc… Warning with 10-day notice unless corrected, plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $25 immediate with 10-day notice plus $10/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $40 immediate with 10-day notice plus $10/day starting on day 2 until corrected.
Garbage Can Visible Trash cans visible from street, dumping trashes in trash cans without proper bags leading to trash spillover on roads Warning with 10-day notice unless corrected, then $5/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $25 immediate plus $5/day starting on day 2 until corrected. $40 immediate plus $10/day starting on day 2 until corrected.
Mailbox Improper material, broken, bent or crooked. Warning with 10-day notice then $5/day starting on day 11 until corrected. $25 immediate with 10-day notice plus $5/day after day 2 until corrected. $50 immediate with 10-day notice plus $5/day after day 2 until corrected.
Failing to Obtain Design Committee Approval Any work that needs Design approval that is started before approval has been received. $250 for each instance $250 for each instance $250 for each instance

Note: This is a partial list of liquidated damage assessments. Other assessments may be levied, such as the cost to correct an infraction.